How to get rid of acne fast

Annoying acne on the skin can appear in a variety of places: on the face, back, chest, ears and even on the buttocks, and not only during puberty in adolescence, but much later. What needs to be done to get rid of acne as quickly as possible? How to remove acne from the face and what home remedies for acne really help? How to prevent acne?

Why acne and blackheads appear

Pimples appear when the pores become clogged with oil secreted by the skin’s sebaceous glands. Sebum (sebum) is designed to protect the skin from drying out and the harmful effects of the environment. However, excess sebum production, caused by increased release of certain hormones, triggers the mechanism of acne formation.

Closed pores, behind which sebum and dead skin cells accumulate, are called black dots.

How to remove acne?

To pimple or not? In general, it is better not to squeeze pimples. Incorrect popping of pimples leaves scars. Blooming and purulent pimples should be opened only by cosmetologists.

Under no circumstances should you squeeze the pimples yourself, because there is a high risk of inflammation of the pimples. Bacteria through the fingers can get into the wound, penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and cause inflammation there. Often the result of such inflammation is an abscess.

Acne in women

Many women are familiar with this problem: shortly before the onset of menstruation, pimples and redness appear on the nose, chin and cheeks, but there are women in whom acne occurs not only before menstruation and persists after 30 years for many years.

The so-called (acne tarda) late acne is a form of acne that appears in the older age groups from 25 to 45 years. In recent years, the number of women with Acne Tarda has increased.

At this age, acne is considered as a “defect in appearance” and causes psychological suffering in women and girls, reduces self-esteem, negatively affects the quality of life, social status and personal relationships.

Acne in men

Why is it difficult for men to get rid of acne?
Men with an extra Y chromosome suffer from late acne, which recurs throughout life.

The use of anabolic steroids is a common cause of acne in men. According to statistics, more than 30% of men who use AS have acne.

Pimples often occur against the background of seborrhea and are located on the entire surface of the skin. These acne are prone to scarring and the formation of keloid scars.

Treatment of age-related acne in men is carried out by the same methods and means as in women.

Causes of acne in adulthood

There are a number of possible causes of acne in adulthood.

Studies have shown that hereditary (genetic) predisposition is 50% among other factors in the development of late acne. The pattern is that the more acne occurs in the previous generation, the more often it will appear in the next generation.

Stress, unbalanced diet, and other factors that lead to fluctuating hormones can eventually cause late acne. Hormonal fluctuations, such as during menopause, can also affect the skin.

Allergies (especially food intolerances), side effects of certain medications, inappropriate cosmetics, too much ultraviolet light are clearly considered as causes of late acne. The weakening of the immune system remains an insufficiently studied factor.

Pimple (acne) treatment

Even if late acne occurs occasionally or only on “certain days”, acne is recommended to be shown to a cosmetologist-dermatologist. The doctor will determine the causes of the appearance and prescribe the appropriate treatment in order to remove acne from the face.

Severe acne suggests combination therapy, possibly with oral antibiotics. In mild forms, external therapy will help get rid of acne: creams containing antibiotics, antibacterial drugs for topical use.

In addition to medical treatment, doctors use cosmetic procedures to treat acne and improve the skin.

How to take care of acne skin

So, whatever the acne, the skin still needs to be looked after. Keep in mind that acne treatment and skin care are not the same thing.

Cleansing agents. Twice a day, gently massage your damp face and other acne-prone areas with the cleanser, then rinse thoroughly.

Never dry yourself with a shared towel. It is best to use disposable wipes, especially for the face. Or buy a pack of small handkerchiefs, wash in hot water, and iron thoroughly to replace disposable products.

Scrubs. Use only for mild acne and no more than once a week. Choose with small particles and also carefully remove.
Gently apply medicines to the affected areas after cleansing.

Shower gels and soaps are applied with a soft washcloth once a day. If you wash more frequently, use only water.