Best acne treatments

Rash and acne are a serious problem, leading not only to cicatricial changes in the skin of the face, deformation of its features, but also to significant psychological discomfort. Modern medicine has a significant set of effective and affordable means to eliminate acne and its consequences. Acne treatment is carried out with the help of high-class equipment using advanced technologies of world medicine.

Acne is an inflammatory process affecting the skin of the face, neck, back, characterized by blockage and inflammation of the hair follicles.


Acne treatment is carried out only after consulting a dermatologist.

To diagnose the disease and prescribe the right treatment for acne, a visual examination and laboratory diagnostic methods are used.

Depending on the degree of skin damage, resistance to therapy, overweight and some other factors, a dermatologist may recommend:

  • Tests for luteinizing hormone, free testosterone, follicle stimulating hormone, progesterone cortisone, etc.
  • Tests for bacterial and fungal cultures.
  • Biochemical blood test (determination of glucose, bilirubin, cholesterol, creatinine, triglycerides, etc.).

A dermatologist will conduct a differential diagnosis of such diseases as: follicular keratosis, bacterial and fungal folliculitis, rosacea.


Treatment of acne vulgaris includes a wide range of therapeutic measures. These are local treatment, the use of antimicrobials, hardware treatment, diet selection and the provision of psychological assistance, etc. Treatment of acne in the early stages is often limited to topical exposure to various medications.

Hardware treatment is carried out in combination with other measures and includes the following methods:

  • Laser therapy.
  • Phototherapy.
  • Darsonvalization.
  • Galvanotherapy.
  • Surface cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen.
  • Mechanical cleaning of the skin.

Acne laser treatment is an innovative and effective way to treat acne and scars. When carrying out laser therapy, laser devices with an ultraviolet and infrared wave spectrum are used. The laser beam affects propionobacteria, inflamed skin, sebaceous glands and hair follicles.

Phototherapy promotes blood flow to the foci of inflammation. Blood leukocytes suppress inflammatory processes, as a result of which redness subsides and resolves.

Acne laser treatment causes narrowing of skin pores and smoothing of its relief. Laser therapy eliminates pigmentation and scars. The procedure is an excellent prophylactic against the formation of acne structural elements.

Also, in the complex treatment of acne, a special effect is achieved when using phototherapy. This is a modern method of treating skin diseases, based on the possibilities of ultraviolet radiation. A positive result can be obtained due to the impact of a directed beam flow, which inhibits the growth of pathogenic cells and accelerates the healing of painful areas. In addition, ultraviolet rays therapy has no contraindications in case of appointment to children, pregnant women and breastfeeding.

Post-acne treatment

Post-acne treatment includes the use of an adequate correction technique, taking into account the nature of skin defects, their number and location. Therapy can be carried out by the following methods:

  • chemical peeling;
  • dermabrasion;
  • microneedling.

Also, post-acne treatment can be carried out using laser resurfacing, due to which the processes of skin regeneration and collagen production are activated. This method is especially effective in smoothing scars.

The course of laser therapy can take up to 5-8 sessions. A noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin is observed after 2-3 procedures.

Acne is an indicator that the sebaceous glands of the skin are in a problematic state. They usually appear in teenagers. But adults can also suffer from them, in whose body a hormonal failure has occurred.

The best acne treatments help clear your skin, heal fat cells, and get rid of harmful bacteria. They are produced in the form of preparations of general and local action. The first include lotions and masks that cleanse the skin of the face. To the second – acne creams, which are applied directly to the inflammation.

Facial skin care rules

If the skin is prone to the formation of comedones, you need to take care of it more carefully. The main task is to calm the sebaceous glands and prevent clogging of pores. For this you need:

  • Ensure adequate cleaning. Standard washing is not enough to get rid of excess fat. It is necessary to wipe problem areas (nose, forehead, chin) with lotion or micellar water at least twice a day.
  • Apply the correct cream. A moisturizer containing keratolytic (exfoliating) and antibacterial ingredients is suitable.
  • Refuse alcohol-containing products. The first time after application, they give the desired drying. But in the future, they disrupt the balance of microflora and remove the necessary fluid.

Although blackheads on the nose or other areas of the face look unattractive, you should not try to remove them yourself. It is important to get rid of the habit of squeezing pimples in order to avoid infection and aggravate the problem.